
Доски объявлений

What are premium ads?

Premium Ads is a service that gives users of 2417.PRO an opportunity to make their ads stand out and find potential customers faster.

How to set up a proper design - Business Profile.

We recommend that all important elements (logo, slogan, phones, etc.) be placed in the 1280x140 px area at the top-central part of the image. This way they will be visible on the tablets too.

50 sites - to sell real estate for free.

Current list of sites (boards) for posting ads on the sale of real estate for free. Sites for placing ads for the sale of real estate.
This list contains sites (boards) for free announcements in Russia. 
The list will help to place ads for the sale of real estate with maximum user coverage.

50 sites - to place ads for free.

Current list of sites (boards) for placing free announcements. 
This list contains sites (boards) of free announcements of Russia. 
This list will help start-up businesses to advertise their goods and services in the Russian Federation for free.

Top: 50 World Free Bulletin Boards.

50 world sites (boards) of free announcements.
Ranking of the world's best sites, websites, free classifieds boards, classified platforms. The most popular world sites (boards) of free classifieds of different countries.

50 sites - to post jobs for free.

Since you are here, it means that you are also faced with the question of where to find a platform for searching and selecting personnel for free, because the sites giants are quite heavily overpriced for personnel search. Here you will not find Headhunter (HH), AVITO, Superjob, Rabota.ru, Worki and Yula. We have collected the main list of free sites for job posting and staff search.
